Are you struggling to find time for cycling?

Discover how you can maximize your cycling time with short, effective workouts and time management strategies.

Trivia Question❓

In the history of road cycling, which female cyclist holds the record for the most stage wins in the Tour de France Féminin, also known as the Women's Tour de France?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

💬 Are you struggling to find time for cycling?

Discover how you can maximize your cycling time with short, effective workouts and time management strategies.

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Alright, my cycling companion, I'm about to share a secret training hack that will turbocharge your road cycling skills!

Picture this: a challenging climb up a winding mountain road.

To truly excel, you need to strengthen those cycling muscles while boosting your mental resilience.

Here's what you gotta do: find a long stretch of road with a gradual incline, ideally around 10-12%.

Start your training ride, but don't just ride in a straight line.

Instead, zigzag across the road, switching sides every 30 seconds or so.

By constantly shifting your weight and balance, you'll engage different muscle groups, enhancing your cycling power and stability.

It may feel a bit strange in the beginning, but trust me, this hack targets those hidden muscle fibers and improves your bike handling skills.

Plus, it keeps your mind sharp, making you adaptable to any road conditions you encounter.

So, my cycling protégé, embrace the zigzag, defy the ordinary, and conquer those climbs like never before!

Keep pedaling with passion and let your wheels spin with joy!

Q: What is the ideal tire pressure for road cycling?

A: The ideal tire pressure for road cycling depends on factors like rider weight and tire width. Generally, it ranges from 80-130 PSI (pound per square inch).

Q: How often should I clean and lubricate my road bike chain?

A: It is recommended to clean and lubricate your road bike chain every 150-300 miles or whenever it appears dirty or dry. Regular maintenance helps improve performance and prolong the lifespan of the chain.

Q: How can I prevent saddle soreness during long rides?

A: To prevent saddle soreness during long rides, make sure you have a properly fitting saddle and wear padded cycling shorts. Taking breaks to stand and stretch periodically, as well as applying chamois cream or a saddle sore prevention product, can also help reduce discomfort.

Alright my fellow road cyclists, I'm about to let you in on a secret weight loss training hack that is going to take your cycling game to the next level.

Are you ready?

Here it is: interval training.

Interval training is an incredibly effective way to shed those extra pounds and improve your cycling performance.

By alternating between periods of intense effort and periods of recovery, you'll not only burn more calories during your workout, but also boost your metabolism for hours after you're done.

So here's what you can do: incorporate high-intensity intervals into your road cycling routine.

Start by warming up for about 10 minutes, then give it your all for 30 seconds to a minute.

Push yourself to reach your maximum effort level, feeling that burn in your legs and lungs.

Then, take it easy and recover for the same amount of time that you pushed yourself.

Repeat this cycle of intense effort and recovery for 10-15 minutes, and gradually increase the length and number of intervals as you get stronger.

Not only will interval training help you lose weight, it will also improve your power, endurance, and overall cycling performance.

Remember, my friend, consistency is key.

Make interval training a regular part of your road cycling routine, and watch those pounds melt away.

Stay motivated, stay focused, and keep pushing yourself to become the best cyclist you can be.

You've got this!

Cadence is key!

Maintaining a high cadence (80-100 revolutions per minute) while road cycling can help reduce strain on your muscles and improve overall efficiency.

Why did the road cyclist always carry a map?

Because he didn't want to stray off "tire"tory!

💡 Answer to Trivia Question:

Jeannie Longo-Ciprelli.

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